Parrys Carpets:

How to replace carpet with laminate flooring

Laminate flooring is one of our many favourite types of flooring at Parrys, because it is cost-effective, versatile and attractive, which makes it the perfect choice in any home!

That’s why we have found that many people are choosing to update their current flooring in their home to one of the many types of laminate flooring available. One trend we are seeing a lot of is people replacing their old and worn-out carpeting in living areas to the more durable laminate flooring. Updating your carpeted flooring in your home to laminate is much easier than you might think if you follow our simple steps.

While one of the benefits of laminate flooring is that you can actually lay it straight over existing flooring, but as a rule of thumb, your existing flooring needs to be level and smooth, which unfortunately, carpet is not. This means that you will need to remove your carpet before you can lay your new laminate flooring.

Removing the actual carpeting is much easier than you may think! Make sure you wear the appropriate protective equipment such as gloves and a respirator mask to protect your hands and stop yourself from breathing in too much dust!

You will need a Stanley knife, a flat head screwdriver or a wrecking bar, a pair of pliers, and a couple of friends to help with the heavy lifting!

The steps:

  1. Start by cutting a strip of the carpet using a Stanley knife,  about 4cm wide and 1m long in one corner of the carpet.
  2. Using a flat head screwdriver (or a wrecking bar), gently pry the strip off the tracks underneath.
  3. When you can safely reach in under the carpet, pull up the whole corner and then follow the edge around, pulling the carpet up and rolling it into the centre of the room. Once the carpet is all pulled up, you can remove it, but probably best to ask a friend or two to help you carry it out – carpets are deceptively heavy!
  4. Once the carpet has been removed from the room, it’s time to remove the underlay. It’s basically the same process as removing the carpet; pull up the underlay from the edges of the room and roll it into the middle of the room. Once again, you’ll need some help to carry it out.
  5. Now, the hardest task, you will need to use your screwdriver to remove the carpet gripper around the room. Be careful of the nails!

Once the carpet and gripper have been removed from the room, the next step is to prepare the floor for the laminate, you can follow our simple guide to do this here. Once the floor is all prepped, you can install your stunning new laminate or let one of the Parrys’ contractors do this for you.

By following this simple method, you can say goodbye to your old and worn carpet and enjoy your new laminate flooring in no time!

If you need any help on how to replace your carpet with laminate flooring or for expert advice on how to choose the best flooring type for your home, get in touch with the flooring experts at Parrys today!

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Ian Minotti

About Ian Minotti

Ian is a renowned floor covering expert in product knowledge and installation. He is specialized in all types of floor coverings for many years and his knowledge in the industry is exceptional. Feel free to ask Ian any floor covering question you may have.

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