Parrys Carpets:

Tips for Creating Cohesive Flooring

Coordinated flooring that flows beautifully is key to creating a tranquil home.

If you’ve ever stepped into a house featuring mismatched floors, you’ll know it can make the space feel messy and hectic.

Given our homes are our havens – where we seek slow time, rest and connect – most people desire a cohesive look when it comes to flooring.

Here are some tips from the Flooring Solution Specialists at Parrys to help your floors flow.

Go solo

If you like things simple, a great way to ensure a seamless look is to install one flooring type – such as engineered timber or hybrid floors – throughout the majority of rooms.

Bathrooms may still require a different solution due to high moisture levels, but this overall unified approach works well for many homes, especially those with a smaller footprint, as it makes spaces seem bigger.

If you’re thinking about going solo, just be sure to consider if your choice will still work in high traffic areas of the home and in those all-important bedrooms.

Breaking points

If you’re keen on using multiple flooring materials, this can be done flawlessly by utilising natural breaking points in the home.

Changing to different flooring types is best done at doorways, archways or thresholds, where there’s already a defined shifting point from room to room.


Mixing up the wrong flooring materials can not only impact how a home looks and feels, but it can also impact safety. This is because different materials can have different heights – for instance, hard flooring might sit higher than carpet – potentially creating surface trip hazards if not done well.

For seamless, safe transitions between various flooring types, threshold or transition strips, which conceal the seams between two different floor types, are essential.

The greater the difference between the material types, the more important it is that the transition is easy to see, so people can adjust the way they’re moving.

Coordinated colour & tone

When it comes to cohesion, selecting flooring with complementary colour and tone is key.

While it’s possible to stylishly coordinate floors with very different aesthetics, it’s far more complicated, unless design is your expertise!

Going for floors with similar height levels can also help things feel more unified, particularly in open plan homes.

Ready to get your floors flowing with Parrys today?

Drop in to one of our eight stores and let us help guide your journey.

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Ian Minotti

About Ian Minotti

Ian is a renowned floor covering expert in product knowledge and installation. He is specialized in all types of floor coverings for many years and his knowledge in the industry is exceptional. Feel free to ask Ian any floor covering question you may have.

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