
How to Clean Hard Floors? | Parrys Flooring Solutions


At Parrys, we always get asked how to clean our hard floors that we actually sell to our customers. Well, there’s four things for you to keep in mind.

Number one, what we do suggest is when you go into a house, remove your footwear. Nothing worse than bringing in dirty shoes, maybe with a few stones in the bottom of them that could cause damage to your floors. So take them off. Walk around your bare feet, feel the floor.

Number two, we talk about scuffing. So to protect your floors, you might want to put down some rugs, some mats, or even under your furniture where you’re sitting down, you can put pieces of felt directly under the actual bottoms of those corners, so they’re not scratching or rubbing against the floors.

Number three, cleaning. What to clean with your hard floors, we suggest a good vacuum or a good sweep will take up most of the surface dust, and to mop it, please use warm or cold water only. Don’t use chemicals. Don’t mix the chemicals in no fancy fragrant oils. They leave smears and stains that can only get dirty down the track. Warm or cold water cleans it up instantly.

The fourth thing you can think about is sun blocking. In Australia, especially Perth, we have a UV problem and UV can damage anything. Just look at my skin. So when it comes to actually your floors, protect your floors by protecting your windows. Put some sort of sun blocking on your windows, awnings, blinds, curtains, things like that. That’ll also make sure the floor doesn’t fade. Those four things are probably the best things to remember.

Come into Parrys. See one of our guys who can help you with your flooring and can give you these tips.

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Ian Minotti

About Ian Minotti

Ian is a renowned floor covering expert in product knowledge and installation. He is specialized in all types of floor coverings for many years and his knowledge in the industry is exceptional. Feel free to ask Ian any floor covering question you may have.

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