Parrys Carpets:

Caring for your carpet

By far the most common question our team get asked is the best way to care for their new flooring – especially carpet! Not only does your carpet bring warmth and comfort but it is also an investment that, if well looked after, will maintain its quality for years to come.       

Spot Cleaning

Like most textiles, carpet is not considered to be 100% stain proof which means that when accidents happen, a speedy response is definitely the key.  The aim here is to deal with the stain before they manage to soak into the carpet fibres because, once the stain sets, it will become a lot harder to remove. Use a high-quality stain remover and make sure you read the instructions closely to avoid any unwanted damage to your carpet. Also, don’t forget that many carpets are stain resistant to provide that additional protection if needed. 

Regular Vacuuming

By far the simplest and most effective way to maintain the life of your carpet and keep it looking great is through comprehensive and frequent vacuuming. 

Ideally, your vacuuming routine should begin as soon as possible after your carpet has been laid. In this first week, you will find that regular vacuuming to be the ideal way to remove excess and remnant dust and fibres. From then on, make sure you give the carpet a go-over several times a week to remove dirt from the surface and prevent it from sinking deeper into the pile.

It is important to note that even the direction you vacuum can have an impact on the cleanliness of your carpet. Simple rule of thumb is that vacuuming against the pile lifts the dirt, while the opposite direction helps to leave a uniform and consistent finish. 

It goes without saying that the quality and type of your vacuum cleaner is integral to how well your carpet is maintained and the best vacuum head to use is dependent on your carpet type. For example, a vacuum with a rotating brush is ideal for a low-cut pile carpet as it loosens the soil for easier cleaning, while for a loop or cut loop pile carpet, a brushless head often produces optimum results.

Make sure that your vacuum is kept in good condition and that the brushes are regularly cleaned and maintained.  Remember that even a half full vacuum bag can drastically reduce the effectiveness of the machine, so make sure you empty them regularly. 

Steam Cleaning

One aspect of carpet care that is often overlooked is steam cleaning which should be done approximately every 18 months. Steam cleaning helps to remove stubborn dirt and grime and is a great way to bring your carpet back to life. 

While many people be tempted to undertake DIY steam cleaning, we strongly recommend that this only be undertaken by a professional and accredited carpet cleaner. 

Other things to consider

With furniture, make sure you use appropriately sized leg protectors, and you can fix those unsightly pressure marks by occasionally rearranging your furniture. 

Castor wheels were often seen as the enemy of carpet, and care definitely needs to be taken when moving furniture with wheels. Make sure you invest in some quality furniture coasters to help even out the weight. 

What many people don’t realise is that prolonged exposure to direct sunlight can cause permanent colour loss to your carpet. Even though Australian manufacturers have taken this into account and have applied UV treated products to help reduce this colour loss, Western Australia is a very sunny place; so make sure you protect your carpet by selecting an appropriate window cover like curtains or blinds to reduce the exposure to direct sunlight.

As previously mentioned, your flooring is one of your major expenses when designing your home. Treat it like such and it will give you a high level of satisfaction for years to come.

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Ian Minotti

About Ian Minotti

Ian is a renowned floor covering expert in product knowledge and installation. He is specialized in all types of floor coverings for many years and his knowledge in the industry is exceptional. Feel free to ask Ian any floor covering question you may have.

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